There was a time when our data was unmistakably ours.
Writing a letter, taking pictures, maintaining a personal journal - the idea of owning something was simple and clear everywhere.

In the early digital age, the trend continued.
Our documents, photos, and other digital creations remained on our personal computer - under our control. The digital world simply mirrored the physical one.

As our digital activities grew, our devices alone couldn't handle our needs, leading us to the age of Cloud. Blindly, we accepted the solutions from big tech companies without realising the trade-off: losing control and privacy of our personal data.

In today's digital world, our data not only mirrors our lives but also shapes it. We live app-by-app, our identity & data fragmented, misused and manipulated.

Personal AI assistants, digital twins, and human-machine integrations, all powered by our own data – are waiting in the future to redefine our existence.

Isn't it high time we seize back the reins of our digital narrative?

Tryangle wants to redefine our relationship with our personal data.

A Platform for Individual Data Ownership
Tryangle provides the infrastructure and tools for Developers to genuinely serve the Individuals.

Cynics sound smart.
Optimists build the future.
- Unknown

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