Data Ownership Manifesto

In the digital age, where data permeates every facet of our lives, it is imperative to recognize and uphold the fundamental rights of individuals over their personal data.

This manifesto lay down the core principles of data ownership, serving as a charter for respecting and empowering users in the digital ecosystem.

Sovereignty of Individuals Over Data

Individuals are the ultimate authorities over their data. All data created by or about the individual inherently belongs to them and is an extension of their personal autonomy.

Unambiguous  Control

Individuals should possess unequivocal control over their data, including the right to access, modify, export, share, delete, and derive value from it.

Absolute Transparency

Individuals are entitled to full transparency over their data which entails clear, understandable, and accessible information on what data is collected, how it is used, and where it is shared.

Informed and Active Consent

Consent mechanisms should be always facilitated to the individuals so that they are fully informed and actively agree to the use of their data. Consent should be explicit, easy to withdraw, and obtained without coercion, ensuring individuals understand the scope and implications of their agreement.

Fundamental Right to Privacy

Privacy is an intrinsic part of individual freedom and dignity. Mechanisms must be in place to protect personal information from misuse, unauthorised access, and exploitation.

Robust Data Security

The protection of personal data through advanced security measures is non-negotiable. Security practices must be vigilant, proactive, and continuously updated to guard against data breaches and cyber threats.

Data Minimization

The collection of personal data should be limited to what is explicitly necessary for the specified purposes.

Equitable Benefit Sharing

Individuals should receive fair value from the use of their data, acknowledging their contribution to the digital ecosystem. Equal opportunities must be created for individuals to reap the economic value generated by their data, whether through direct compensation, enhanced services, or other forms of value exchange.

Ethical Use and Stewardship

Data stewards should  manage an Individuals data ethically, with consideration for the individuals's dignity and autonomy. The primary aim of stewardship should be about using individual's data to contribute positively to society, enhance user experiences, and foster innovation, while avoiding exploitation.

Compliance with Legal and Ethical Standards

Data practices must align with both the letter and spirit of existing and evolving legal frameworks by committing to adapting data policies in response to changes in legislation, ensuring respect for individual rights and data protection standards.

Empowerment through Education

Individuals should be empowered with knowledge about their data rights and how to exercise them. Education initiatives and advocacy for stronger data ownership policies should be exercised for individuals to navigate the digital world with confidence.

Adaptability to Change

Recognising the dynamic nature of technology and societal expectations, business should commit to continually evolve their data ownership policies and practices to ensure the principles of data ownership remain relevant and effective in empowering individuals in an ever-changing digital landscape.